How to show your full potential… in voice, in life, in you

Sandra calls me after an evaluation interview with her manager. He had made a remark on her voice: she speaks too fast which gives her an insecure presence. She tells me that she is everything but insecure and she is very good in her work. She is trained in presentation, communication and negotiation, but has never worked on the voice. Could this be the missing link?

The potential in your voice

Do you know that most of the people only use 50% of the potential of their voice?

This is not surprising since nobody really ever taught you how to use your voice. You’ve probably learned to produce words, but nobody learned you how to use your voice. The way you speak depends on the language/ dialect and on the voice of the person who raised you. Most children copy the voice of their mother or father.

Since the vocal chords are located in your throat (larynx), most people use the sound/ resonance in their throat and mouth. This is only a small amount of your voice full potential.

You have more in you!

The good news is that everything you need already exist within you. Everyone has a voice and a body that can be used as a soundbox. Your voice can resonate throughout your whole body (from chest to skull). In this way you can show what you have in you and demonstrate all your talent.

Everyone can learn to develop the full resonance in their voice. In my class I often laugh while saying ‘Reveal your inner Morgan Freeman’. You can do this too! It all starts with listening. You will learn to discover the different spaces where your voice resonate, to open up all registers.

Resonance effects in sound and message

  • Chest resonance: rest, peace, warmth, depth in sound + confidence and trust in message

  • Throat resonance: transition between chest and head

  • Mouth resonance: openness and brightness in sound + clarity in message

  • Nose resonance: Volume and brightness in sound + presence and clarity in message

  • Head resonance: Softness and melody in sound + inspiration and attention in message

When you learn to open up all the registers in your voice, you can consciously use them in your presentation and communication.

How are you? How is your voice?

In my coaching I learn you to listen to your voice, to hear the resonance. Your voice sounds different according to the situation you are in. Have you ever noticed your voice sounds different in the morning and changes through the day or your voice sounds different in another language or your voice sounds different according to the person you are talking to? When you learn to listen to this and learn to open up all registers, you can play with this at any time.

You learn to play with your voice which gives you an advantage in your communication and presentation. Using the full potential of your voice will create more impact for your argument, story or mission.

Eager to learn more?

Contact me for a voice analysis
or join us on 10.06.2021 for the free webinar ‘Je stem als visitekaartje’ (NL).


The (healing) power of the voice


How life taught me to hear the person in every communication.